You know how you sit down and you do research every time you're writing an article or you're writing a book or you're creating a podcast or a video? That's the worst time to ever do research. When I first got Evernote, I thought it was a pretty average tool. If you want to find information, you can find it every single time. Evernote on the other hand, is an amazing tool. There was of course, a problem with this method, and that was I couldn't find money when I needed it, and so it was not such an efficient method. I don't know what it might feel like to win the lottery because I'll never buy a lottery ticket, but this sure felt great. I found it very exciting to find money that I thought I didn't have. My mother would go, "But, it's your own money." I just found it really interesting.

You're a teenager, remember? Then I'd find money and I'd announce it to the world. Then eventually I'd go back to the same pair of jeans, yes, dirty jeans, we know. I'd have all these pairs of jeans and obviously I'd use some of them and then not use the others, and just mix them around. When I was a teenager, nothing was more interesting to me than finding money in my pant pockets.
#Evernote down how to
Find out how to reclaim those zillions of hours back-right now! - Useful Resources To access this audio + transcript: Email me at: Twitter/Facebook: seandsouza Magic? Yes, magic: - Time Stamps 00:00:20 Finding Money In My Jeans 00:05:31 Table of Contents 00:06:08 Part 1: How To Take Pictures 00:12:12 Part 2: Why Tagging With Opposites Matters 00:15:51 Part 3: Default Notebook 00:19:35 Summary 00:21:14Final Comments + Offers = Transcript This is the 3-Month Vacation and I'm Sean D'Souza. But how do you find it once it's stored away? That's where the power of "opposite" tagging", default notebook and the phone and iPad come along. Almost all research needs to be done in advance and stored away. Most of us do our research once we sit down to write an artilce, create a webinar or podcast. A zillion hours later, the content is still not ready and the hours have flown away needlessly. And that's because we go about doing research the "wrong way". How much time does it take to do research? Yup, those zillions of hours go down the drain and get us exhausted.