If the package is accepted and damaged is found after, the freight carrier will likely deny any wrong doing and it is up to the receiver to deal with the freight carrier for liability on the damage. Customer is required to fully inspect for damage upon arrival and DENY the freight if there is any damage and WEAPON-X will deal with the carrier regarding the damage. Standard Freight in CONTUS is $499 fully insured, outside of US this is a deposit and actual freight will be adjusted after determined.

All blocks come with Celvite bearings, ARP main studs, and are machined and honed to ensure perfection. I ended up with two SP40s.Here's your chance to drop in one of the race prepped engines we use on our builds at WEAPON-X Motorsports! These built motors have been proven to handle 1,400 WHEEL HP to date and we're going to be raising that bar with our shop ZL1! The sky is the limit with your options here, but we'll dive right in. When they received the original order back from Customs, they accidentally sent it again.
Sofirn sent out another flashlight when I told them about the Customs update saying that the item was being returned. It was rejected from being exported from China. 600 lift Cam Motion cam, 7200 RPM fuel cut, Pray. dont think so, the primary cats maybe, but the secondary probably so little as to be untestable at 455 to 550 HP levels. I could've fixed it or used it for parts and they would've sent a replacement flashlight. Removing the secondary cats are worth around 5hp, as long as the state you live in doesnt use the C.A.R.B. If I waited 30-60 minutes for their reply, I wouldn't have had to return the item.
Sofirn replied while I was at the post office but I had already handed the item over… they verified that it was a faulty driver board.

I emailed Sofirn about the issue, with a video link and went to the post office to return the item. Turbo didn't work (it would start strobing and wouldn't turn off). Unfortunately, it arrived with a faulty driver board. I ordered an SP40 from Amazon AU with stock in Australia. Amazon Australia's refund process is also fairly straightforward. In terms of returns and refunds, Sofirn customer support is pretty good. I ordered a BLF LT1 from Amazon AU with stock in a Chinese warehouse and it arrived within 4 business days (8 days). The AE refund process for lost items is annoying… I had to wait 105 days once for AE to refund an item from another seller. AE seems to take a few more days on top of that. My orders through Sofirn's website have taken a few weeks.