Prey for the Gods is aiming for a December 2017 launch. Over on the PlayStation Blog, No Matter Studios’ Brian Parnell confirmed that Praey for the Gods will run at 30 frames-per-second on the PS4, and 60 fps on the PS5 at max graphical settings with.
#Praey for the gods ps4 review Pc
Should you want to reserve a PC copy, it's $15 for the basic package with more goodies available for a premium. Just getting one version of this game out looks like a hefty enough undertaking. No Matter is refreshingly realistic noting that even if it raises the funds for consoles, this won't be a simultaneous multiplatform launch. It has until 5th August to raise the rest.Īt the moment Prey for the Gods is only set for PC, though PS4 and Xbox One ports are available as a $600k stretch goal. Based on what No Matter has shown so far, it's caught the public's eye as Prey for the Gods has already raised over $96k of its $300k goal in only a day.

The sluggish climbing and combat controls make even the standout boss fights so. Most likely you'll have to mix it up your tactics between all of these as the situation demands. Praey for the Gods falls far short of the classic monster-climbing game it so clearly draws inspiration from. In Prey for the Gods you'll be able to challenge bosses on head-on, take a stealthy approach and climb their backs, or rely on ranged weaponry. The combat also promises to be a lot more open-ended than Shadow of the Colossus' heavily scripted AI puzzle bosses. There will even be a dynamic weather system and day/night cycle. You'll have to hunt for food, take shelter, build fires, and craft weapons and clothing in this wintry climate. More importantly, there will be a complex wilderness survival aspect to this adventure. For one, it will be less linear that Fumito Ueda's masterpiece, which prescribed the player to tackling its prey in a specific order. Yet Prey for the Gods isn't just a Shadow of the Colossus clone, as it brings a few neat ideas to the table. Allegedly slaying the gargantuan creatures - most likely the gods of the title - will aid you in your quest.Īnd what magnificent creatures these are! Looking at the Kickstarter trailer, these ferocious beasts run the gamut from bat-wings buzzards to spooky translucent wraiths to brutish cave trolls. Prey for the Gods puts players in the role of a young woman who has arrived in a mysterious land looking for a way to end the perpetual winter. Now on Kickstarter, this indie effort looks shockingly accomplished for a team of three industry vets at the fledgling No Matter Studios. The updates were regular but the game never seemed like it was going to ever come out. This was before the team at No Matter Studios made a Kickstarter soon after. If you ask me, that's a good thing to look like. p>Praey for the Gods has been in development for a long time. No Matter Studios also promised that "if you back at $25 you will get the console version of your choice without fear of not hitting a stretch goal".Prey for the Gods looks a lot like a wintry Shadow of the Colossus with a grappling hook. Namely, showing that we wish to hire an in-house animator and in-house world builder". We also took this time to be a little more explicit with how we intend to use the funds. Within days, we had them playable and running FPS, un-optimized! At that time, we knew we needed to take another look at our stretch goals. PRAEY FOR THE GODS drops players into a world on the verge of collapse due to never-ending cold. I really hope they don't get discouraged and learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately for the developers of 'Praey for the Gods', this burden is heavier than anything else. We were surprised and incredibly excited by the results. The base game here is an absolute masterpiece considered to be a true work of art even by non-gamers. So we took it upon ourselves last week to shift our priorities and focus on getting the game to run on consoles. "We had to respond to the outcry from fans as people were pledging substantial amounts, without even a working computer, just for the chance that we'd hit a stretch goal. They also announced that no stretch goal will be required for the console versions. Prey for the Gods' Kickstarter page shows the game being played on a PS4 and Xbox One.